Illinois Soil Classifiers Association
Get Certified
Two of the objectives of ISCA are to 1) Protect the Public Welfare and 2) Advance the Profession of Soil Classifying. The Association achieves these objectives by encouraging all soil classifiers to qualify for certification and by providing members with current technical information in soil classification, among other goals of the Association.
Standards and Requirements for Certification
In an abbreviated version, in order to be eligible for certification as a professional soil classifier in ISCA, applicants must:
- subscribe to the Code of Ethics of ISCA
- meet the qualifications of a Full Member of ISCA, although membership is not a requirement
- submit a written application to the Certification Board
- successfully pass a written examimation and a field practicum designed to determine the proficiency and qualifications of the applicant to engage in the practice of soil classifying
- have actively practiced soil classifying in a responsible position for four years (or less with advanced degrees)
- be competent to practice soil classification without direct supervision
- provide references who are familiar with your work experience
A full version of the Standards and Requirements for Certification can be found by clicking the link or by checking in the Membership Handbook. The Code of Ethics, to which all Certified Professional Soil Classifier (CPSC) must adhere, are also included in the Membership Handbook. Each CPSC is required to earn Professional Development Hours (PDHs) and pay an annual renewal fee of $25. A description of that process is included in the Standards.
- To apply for certification:
- complete the Application for Certification
- e-mail the completed appication to the Certification Board (see below)
- submit the fee for certification by paying on-line.
- The non-refundable application fee is $40.
- You may also send your application and a $40 check made payable to the Illinois Soil Classifiers Association to:
- William Kreznor, Certification Board Secretary 904 Powers Rd Woodstock, IL 60098-2702
You may e-mail your application and questions about the certification process to the Certification Board at:CertificationBoardSecretary @ address is not hot-linked for web security)