Illinois Soil Classifiers Association
Short of state licensure, certification is a way to validate the technical knowledge and practical field skills of those who practice soil classifying. ISCA developed the Standards for Certification in 1980 as a way to self-certify Professional Soil Classifiers. The Standards are maintained by the Ethics, Certification and Membership Committee and all changes to the Standards must be approved by the Full Membership of the Association. The Certification Board administers the Standards, maintains records of Certified Professional Soil Classifiers, and processes applications for certification.
Get Certified
Click on the CERTIFICATION button below for more information concerning the standards and requirements for certification, for the application for certification, and for the address to send the application.
Certification Board
The Board consists of six ISCA Certified Professional Soil Classifiers who are also Full Members of the Association. Board members serve staggered three-year terms. The in-coming president of ISCA appoints two new members to the Board at the Annual Meeting. The Board elects their own officers each term.The Certification Board and officers are listed below along with their term expiration date:
William Kreznor, Secretary '25
Scott Wiesbrook, Chair '25
Gerald Berning, '26
Josh Elmer, '26
Galen Litwiller, '27
Josh Litwiller, '27
The Certification Board is self-governing and selects the Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary/Treasurer after the Annual Meeting.
The Certification Board is self-governing and selects the Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary/Treasurer after the Annual Meeting.
Fees, Renewals, & PDHs
Certified Professional Soil Classifiers (CPSC) must pay an annual fee of $25 to maintain their certification. Click this annual fee link to pay on-line or send your check made payable to the Illinois Soil Classifiers Association to:
William Kreznor, SecretaryISCA Certification Board904 Powers Rd.Woodstock, IL 60098-2702email:CertificationBoardSecretary @
In addition to an annual fee, every CPSC shall renew their certification at the end of a five-year period. Professional Development hours (PDHs) must be earned within that five-year renewal period. PDHs must be submitted to the Board for approval and may be submitted anytime during that five year period. Annual submission of PDHs is preferred. Full details about the renewal process are found in the Standards.
You may submit PDHs by any of three methods:1.) To submit on-line, click this link: On-line PDH Submision.
2.)To submit by e-mail, download and save the Professional Maintenance & Recertification Worksheet. Use this PDH Guide to help you complete the Worksheet and e-mail it to the where it will be reviewed.
3.) To submit by regular mail, download and print the Professional Maintenance & Recertification Worksheet. Complete the worksheet and send by regular mail to:
William Kreznor, Secretary
ISCA Certification Board
904 Powers Rd.
Woodstock, IL 60098-2702
CPSCs will be notified by the Certification Board Secretary of the status of those PDHs submitted.